Hong Kong Atlas series initiator Christopher Mattison
Christopher Mattison is the concept initiator and driver behind the Hong Kong Atlas literary translation series. By drawing on literature, translation and creative culture as a way of remapping a global city, the Atlas project offers alternative histories to Hong Kong through its own literature - an important first step in expanding the English-language canon with a range of Hong Kong voices.
Xi Xi's Not Written Words and Liu Waitong's Wandering Hong Kong with Spirits are two of the publications in the Hong Kong Atlas series. These two books have recently won the Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2017. Not Written Words and Wandering Hong Kong with Spirits was published by MCCM Creations (Hong Kong) in 2016.
Christopher Mattison是Hong Kong Atlas香港文學英譯系列的主編,他希望透過出版計劃挑選優秀的香港作家,把他們的文學作品翻譯成英語。
西西的《不是文字》及廖偉棠的《和幽靈一起的香港漫遊》詩歌結集,是這系列的出版書籍之一,為首批以文學翻譯在國際文化地圖上記下香港足跡的著作。兩個書目均於2017年7月獲得香港出版雙年獎的出版獎。《不是文字》和《和幽靈一起的香港漫遊》由香港出版社MCCM Creations於2016年出版。
My 36 Years of Model Making in Hong Kong by King Y. Chung
Now at 70, architectural model maker King Chung still has a strong passion to create with hands. In 2012, King Chung documented his lifetime architectural model works in the book My 36 Years of Model Making in Hong Kong. This book is not showing how models are made, but a record mirroring Hong Kong’s remarkable growth, development and changes in trade, society, finance, urban planning, housing, transportation and art and culture between late 1960s and 2000. Chung’s major architectural model works included: the HSBC Headquarters and Hong Kong International Airport, and many others. My 36 Years of Model Making in Hong Kong was published by MCCM Creations (Hong Kong) in 2012.
作者鍾經洋喜歡動手創作,年屆70仍創作不離「手」,活力充沛。2012年,他寫下《My 36 Years of Model Making in Hong Kong》,記錄多年來的模型作品,包括匯豐銀行、香港國際機場等,反映香港半世紀以來的城市發展,也印證香港在社會、金融、建築、城市規劃、房屋、交通及藝術文化的改變。《My 36 Years of Model Making in Hong Kong》由香港出版社MCCM Creations於2012年出版。
Urban Design Series Author Peter Cookson Smith
Peter Cookson Smith has lived in Hong Kong since 1976. An architect, urban planner and designer, he enjoys drawing the alchemy of the streets, recording the spaces through detailed sketches using a rotring 0.25mm rapidograph.
Cookson Smith has written three books on urban design: The Urban Design of Impermanence - Streets, Places & Spaces of Hong Kong (2006) discussing the ingrained impermanence in the changing city development and cultures of Hong Kong via urban design in streets and spaces used; The Urban Design of Concession - Tradition and Transformation in the Chinese Treaty Ports (2011) documenting twelve Chinese Treaty Ports by examining the evolving changes over the past 150 years and the transformation in modern times; and The Urban Design of Intervention - Imposed and Adaptive Places in Asian Cities (2014) documenting 20 Asian cities, their conflicts and co-ordinates of heritage, accompanied by 500 drawings and sketches.
作者Peter Cookson Smith 於1976年起定居香港,是一位建築師及城市規劃師,喜歡街頭素描,以細膩的素描和文字,記錄不同地方的面貌。
他寫下了三本有關城市設計的書籍:《The Urban Design of Impermanence - Streets, Places & Spaces of Hong Kong》-從香港街道與空間的設計,街頭巷尾的佈局及空間挪動,看出香港發展及文化的演變;《The Urban Design of Concession - Tradition and Transformation in the Chinese Treaty Ports》-記下12個中國轉口港150年來的歷史傳承,獨有的規劃,到街道和建築轉形創新的一面;《The Urban Design of Intervention - Imposed and Adaptive Places in Asian Cities》記錄了20個亞洲城市的文化衝擊、融合的一面。
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Architecture Paper Series
Project Curator Juan Du
Architect and architecture professor Juan Du, also project curator of the Hong Kong University (HKU) Architecture Paper Series, has a unique view on architecture education. She enables architecture graduate students to develop diverse types of projects and to visualize these projects into a book publication for the broader public. MCCM Creations became involved with the Series in 2013.
Dialogue Recorder (2013), the second volume in the Series, uses the idea of the recorder, a ‘black box’ to frame innovative design research and to present diverse student work with provocative questions and answers. Make Room (2015), the third volume in the Series, is designed as a tool-kit of ready-made materials. It seeks to motivate the public and investigate events that engage ideologies with everyday architectural practice. Both titles were published by MCCM Creations in Hong Kong.
建築師/講師杜鵑對建築教育有不一樣的抱負。杜鵑策劃了HKU Architecture paper series,鼓勵香港大學建築學院畢業生把他們多樣化的論文項目,創作成書。
《Dialogue Recorder》(2013),是HKU Architecture Paper學生論文的第二冊,以問答的形式記下學生的深入討論。第三冊《Make Room》(2015)同樣收錄學生作品,帶出多個息息相關的生活題材。
Kith Tsang 曾德平
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Kith Tsang was a design professor at the PolyU and now actively creates for teachers and students through a learning platform called the School of Everyday Life. Tsang has been practicing Buddhism for ten years, he has been engaging in sequences of active observations, recording and rethinking practices in daily life. Deploying the medium of photography and sketching, he began his artist book series in 2011.
Therefore I Travel by Willde Ng
Willde Ng talks about travel and the meaning of life. 'Therefore I Travel', a collection of over seventy pieces of travel writing by Willde Ng, was published in Traditional Chinese by MCCM Creations in Hong Kong in 2016; simplified Chinese edition by Chemical Industry Press in Mainland China in 2017.
《所以我旅遊》 (繁體中文版。MCCM Creations,2016)
《不假思索.貪看天下》 (簡體中文版。化學工業出版社,2017)
Reading ‘Lost Warmth’ from Legends from the Swiss Alps
The Alps have always been the prime icon of Swiss-ness. Often idealized or aestheticized, this world of high peaks shrouded in clouds, of dark forests and verdant flower-studded meadows, of wild animals and isolated chalets with their rugged peasants and cows and goats, has generated a wealth of local myths and legends.
Collected by Swiss students of Chinese at the University of Zurich as a pendant to their study of the ghost world in modern Chinese films, the seventy-five legends published in this collection are catergorized into six chapters of various regions─German-speaking Plateau and Basel-Land, Canton of Bern, Central Switzerland, French-speaking Switzerland, Valais, Ticino and Bergell, Graubünden and Glarus. Those legends entertainingly reveal the fascinating co-existence of the real and the imaginary in the Swiss Alpine world.
In this video is a reading of the legend ‘Lost Warmth’ from the Canton of Bern. In English and Chinese. Legends from the Swiss Alps was published by MCCM Creations (Hong Kong) in 2009, edited by Leung Ping-kwan and Andrea Riemenschnitter.
《瑞士阿爾卑斯山的傳說》由香港出版社MCCM Creations於2009年出版,梁秉鈞、洪安瑞編。